Terms and Conditions of Hire

1. These terms shall apply to the supply of any goods by Independent Living Care and Mobility Center ("Owner") and the hirer identified in the invoice.
2. For the purpose of these terms and conditions the invoice is defined as the invoice sent to the hirer
3. The invoice will outline the goods that have been supplied to the hirer and the costs the hirer must pay to hire the goods.
4. The goods shall be delivered by the Owner at the expense of the hirer as outlined in the price list unless otherwise indicated in writing by the Owner.
5. The hirer shall during the continuance of the hiring pay to the Owner without demand by way of rent hire for the goods in accordance with the price list delivered to the hirer.
6. The hirer must pay all invoices within seven (7) days of receiving the invoice.
7. During the continuance of the hiring the hirer will not sell, offer for sale, assign, mortgage, pledge, under lend or otherwise deal with the goods or with any interest in them.
8. The hirer will not cause or allow any of the goods to be affixed to the premises where the goods shall for the time being be situate.
9. During the continuance of the hiring the hirer shall at its own expense keep the goods in good and substantial repair and condition (reasonable wear and tear accepted) and insured against fire and loss or damage from whatever cause by a reputable insurer.
10. If the goods are damaged the hirer will be required to pay to repair any damage. If the goods cannot be repaired as a result of the damage, the hirer will be required to pay to replace the goods.
11. The hirer will keep the Owner indemnified against all loss of or damage to the goods however caused (reasonable wear and tear accepted.)
12. The hirer will permit the Owner at all reasonable times to have access to the goods and to inspect the state and condition of the goods.
13. The Owner may at any time by seven (7) days notice in writing to the hirer determine the hiring.
14. In the event of the hiring being determined the hirer shall forthwith at its own risk and cost deliver up the goods to the Owner at the Owner's address. In the event of the hirer failing to do so the Owner may retake possession of the said goods and for that purpose the Owner (or his servants or agents) may without previous notice enter upon any premises upon or in which the said goods are situated. All costs and expenses incurred by the Owner to retake possession of the goods shall be repaid by the hirer to the Owner on
15. The termination of the hiring shall not affect the right of the Owner to recover from the hirer any money due to the Owner at the date of such termination or to recover damage in respect of any breach by the hirer of these terms and conditions
16. The hirer shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner in respect of any actions, pursuits, proceedings, costs, claims and demands brought or made by any person or authority in respect of any accident, injury or damage or alleged accident injury or damage in consequence or arising out of the use of the goods by the hirer or any other person.
17. Twenty-four (24) hours' notice must be given if the hirer seeks to cancel any equipment pickup. Otherwise, pickup fees will be charged for every collection trip made to the hirer's premises. These fees will be determined by the Owner and must be paid on demand by the hirer to the Owner.
18. Clause 5 of these terms will not apply to approved program patients. If any of these patients cease to be approved by the authorised program but seek to continue to hire any goods from the Owner clause 5 will apply.
19. The hirer is responsible to pay for the hiring of the goods. The Owner will not accept the hirer advising that payment for the hired goods will come from an insurer unless the Owner receives written confirmation from the insurer that the hirer's insurance claim and been approved and the insurer agrees to make all relevant payments to the Owner.
20. The Hirer acknowledges that the Owner has explained to the Hirer exactly how to use the goods, the Hirer has understood this explanation and agrees to only use the goods in accordance with the Owners instructions.
21. Free cancellation if the order is cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the booking date; cancellations made within 48 hours will incur a charge equivalent to one week's rent.1.